Featured job
20 housekeeping for kafala
Salary 1200 SR + food 200 SR, Total 1400 SR
8 hours duty 1 hour break
Accommodation & transportation, iqama 2 years, round trip ticket 2 years, medical insurance given by the company.
20 Kitchen helper
Salary 1200 SR + food 200 SR, Total 1400 SR
8 hours duty 1 hour break
Accommodation & transportation, iqama 2 years, round trip ticket 2 years, medical insurance given by the company.
20 batista
Salary 2300 SR + food 200 SR, total 2500 SR
8 hours duty 1 hour break
Accommodation & transportation, iqama 2 years, round trip ticket 2 years, medical insurance given by the company.