Featured job
ONLY whatsap
jobs are available in ksa
we are hiring people for food delivery application part time / free lancer / ( trust me you can earn daily basis more ) all KSA jobs available
part time also can apply company car also apply
terms and condition
Must have own car any model include company car , rent a car or friend car also accepted (no issue )
Food Delivery, hyper and parcel its depend of you
you can 100 % to earn 200 riyal if you work 6 hours only
Bonus everyday incentives
order value:
Distance:up to 8 kilometers, for delivery from 13 riyal to 15 riyal , and more than every kilo for 2 riyals extra and bonus is help to you for petrol expense.
Daily incentives and bonus for the number of daily requests achieved: Some time there is extra bonus
From 70 riyal to 80 riyal 5 orders
From 80 riyal to 100 riyal 8 orders
From 140 riyal to 170 riyal 14 order
It depends
If you are interested in AUTHENTIC registration, on Whatsapp us for more information,
we send you proof after upload documents to enure your documents it will upload in right place